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Up Next in KLOWN: The Series - Season 3

  • Long Live Democracy

    A general election is imminent and Frank loyally helps his father-in-law with his campaign for the Centre Democrats. This makes Frank fall out with the Unity List. The beer club has established a partnership with Carlsberg over the production of a new beer. The purchase of a pair of shoes, which ...

  • The Kennedy of Gays

    Klaus Bondam is helping make Frank's road a low-speed road, but suddenly the police become involved and Frank's obstinacy, yet again, sets everything on the road to disaster. For personal reasons Mia gives Frank some new gloves. Casper, who's had sex with almost all nationalities, tries to get Ch...

  • An Accountant Smurf CD

    Frank and Mia fancy the same summer house as Carøe and Susan, which puts the couples' friendship to test. Frank and Casper shop for erotic toys and become involved in an incident concerning a Smurf CD, and the police, and puts a driver's license in jeopardy. Unfortunately, Frank's parents-in-law ...