Evan (Lou Taylor Pucci, Evil Dead, Thumbsucker) is a young American fleeing to Europe to escape his past. While backpacking along the Italian coast, everything changes during a stop at an idyllic Italian village, where he meets and instantly connects with the enchanting and mysterious Louise. A flirtatious romance begins to bloom between the two — however, Evan soon realizes that Louise has been harboring a monstrous, primordial secret that puts both their relationship and their lives in jeopardy.
A beautiful, fluid genre-bender from directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead (Resolution), SPRING is an unforgettable romance of mythical proportions.
Spring - BtS - EPK
SPRING - BtS - Alternate Ending
SPRING - Deleted Scene - Naples
SPRING - Deleted Scene - Triune Brain
SPRING - BtS - The Note
SPRING - Promo Video - Fantastic Fest
SPRING - Promo Video - TIFF
SPRING - BtS - VFX Case Study
SPRING - BtS - Angelo, The World's Worst Farmer
SPRING - BtS - The Talented Mr. Evan
SPRING - BtS - Proof of Concept
SPRING - BtS - Evan ti Odio
SPRING - BtS - Wankster gf monologue
SPRING - BtS - Commentary